We must craft our own future. Let's create a BLACK Renaissance in the 21st Century
MKUTANO is a participatory and engagement platform where Black Canadians can meet to efficiently, effectively, transparently & democratically organize en masse.
Here we discuss, debate, and vote to reach consensus on important community themes. We also plan and implement our development through coordination, cooperation, and collaboration.
We determine our collective priorities, which enables us to accurately communicate our demands to Governments and Civil Society.
We are stronger, and will achieve more faster, if we work together.
We implement the African Social Development philosophies of Ubuntu and Indaba. Ubuntu places community over individual as the basis of human flourishing. Indaba is the way that individuals contribute to community life and where they are heard, and their dignity respected.
We are looking for Administrators for each Assembly. If you passionate about one (1) or more Assemblies and work well with others then send us a email to administration@mkutano.community and express your interest.